Teaching Portfolio

Teaching Portfolio

A teaching portfolio serves a dual purpose: it allows teaching staff to document and reflect on their teaching experiences and teaching-related qualifications as a tool for pedagogical development, and it may be used in the appointment for academic positions as a tool for assessing an applicant's experience and qualifications.
Below you will find a selection of literature on teaching portfolios and instructions on how to create your own teaching portfolio in AAU's Research Information Management System, PURE.
Setting up a teaching portfolio in PURE
Suggested literature on teaching portfolios
Vanderbilt University - Teaching Portfolios
The Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt University have created a thorough guide compiling relevant knowledge about teaching portfolios
Corry, A., Søndergaard, B. (2011). The Teaching Portfolio. Developing Good Teachers and Scientists
Provides guidance on how to make a teaching portfolio and shows how it differs from a teaching cv
Seldin, P. (2004): The Teaching Portfolio. A Practical Guide to Improve Performance and Promotion / Tenure Decisions. Bolton, Anker Publishing.
This is probably a classic when it comes to teaching portfolio
Stefani, Lorraine; Mason, Robin; Pegler, Chris (2007): The educational potential of e-portfolios. Oxon, Routledge.
Describes E-portfolios as a valuable learning and assessment tool that can serve as an administrative tool to manage and organise work