Learning Lab on demand

Learning Lab offers customised workshops, seminars or courses for you or your group to address specific needs, for example, courses for D-VIPs (part-time academic staff), discipline-specific workshops, video-based observations, and much more.
Learning Lab on demand
Learning Lab offers customised workshops, seminars or courses for you or your group to address specific needs, for example, courses for D-VIPs (part-time academic staff), discipline-specific workshops, video-based observations, and much more.

We offer workshops in response to on-demand requests from groups who may have particular wishes and/or needs within a specific discipline or we can organise local pedagogical days. These may include requests for both short or more comprehensive courses.
Learning Lab is connected to a variety of groups and networks of specialists from all faculties at AAU supporting their focus or resources on different aspects related to higher education pedagogy.
To learn more and discuss your request for on-demand pedagogical development please contact Head of Learning Lab Nikolaj Stegeager, nikolaj@ikl.aau.dk.