Applying the study activity model as an organisational tool

Applying the study activity model as an organisational tool

The study activity model may be used to organise semesters and degree programmes. Aalborg University has created an Excel tool that can support the distribution of student workload and help form an overview of the study activities included in courses, semesters and programmes.
The Excel tool supports:
- The organisation of courses – when organising courses and examinations, lecturers can plan and distribute the student workload allocated to problem-based project work, individual study activities and teaching
- The organisation of semesters – coordinators or study boards can use the tool to get a comprehensive overview of the study activities included in all semester modules and the overall workflow of a semester to ensure that the student workload corresponds to the expected approximately 43 hours per week
- The organisation of degree programmes – the study boards can use the tool for reviewing programme curriculums to ensure that the student workload corresponds to the expected approximately 43 hours per week
- Dialogue with teaching staff – the study boards can use the tool to support their ongoing dialogue with lecturers
The AAU Study Activity Model
The AAU study activity model
Download the AAU study activity model in English and Danish below
Study activity modelStudieaktivitetsmodellenThe study activity model Excel tool
Download the AAU study activity model Excel tool in English and Danish below
Study activity Excel toolStudieaktivitet Excel