Workshop for Visitors

IAS PBL invites educators and researchers from all over the world to participate in a workshop on the shared PBL principles and the unique Aalborg problem- and project-based models
Workshop for Visitors
IAS PBL invites educators and researchers from all over the world to participate in a workshop on the shared PBL principles and the unique Aalborg problem- and project-based models

For several years, the Aalborg UNESCO PBL Centre has hosted a PBL workshop for international visitors twice a year. The workshop is an introductory workshop to PBL principles at Aalborg University.
Initially, the workshop focused on the application of PBL principles within STEM disciplines; however, with the establishment of the Institute for the Advanced Study of PBL, AAU PBL researchers from all disciplines have joined forces to offer a PBL workshop covering more disciplines.
What is the IAS PBL Workshop for Visitors?
Overall, the workshop aims to introduce the shared AAU problem- and project principles and the unique pedagogical models practised in the distinct educational contexts of the university, thus highlighting both unique contextualizations and shared PBL principles.
During the workshop, participants will have the opportunity to engage with researchers, academic staff and students by visiting different departments, and faculties related to their own academic field.
What will I learn?
After the workshop, participants will be able to:
- Describe Aalborg University’s foundation of unique problem-based and project-based pedagogical models and its shared PBL principles.
- Compare different problem- and project pedagogical models across different institutional practices, namely in engineering and science, the social sciences, the human sciences, and health, whilst considering their different educational contexts and disciplines.
- Reflect on how the Aalborg models and practices can inspire change towards more problem-oriented, student-directed, collaborative teaching and learning practices.
Who will teach me this?
An interdisciplinary team composed of researchers and experts from the IAS PBL research community (UCPBL, SHARE and KILD) organises and runs the workshop.
All organisers are experts within the field of problem-based learning.
Where, when, how and how much?
The workshop takes place at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark twice a year; in the spring and in the autumn.
The next workshop is scheduled to take place on 9 and 10 April 2025. Registration is open until 26 March 2025.
The cost per participant is DKK 4,500 which is approximately equal to €600. The price includes access to a collection of resources, department visits, lunch and coffee for the two days.
If you cannot participate in this upcoming workshop, remember to keep an eye on our website or our LinkedIn page to stay updated on our future workshops.